Empowering parents for better relationships with their kids.

Fantastic Families - we all want them - so how can we forge better relationships with our kids to get them?

We work with parents one-on-one or in small groups to give you the knowledge and skills to gain the best possible outcomes for your children and your relationships with them.

Make no mistake, good parenting is not easy.

It is not a skill that people are born with or necessarily develop as they grow. Children do not come with a manual of how best to raise them. It should be considered the most important task that we undertake in our adult lives, yet most people have no training in how to do it at all.

Most experts agree that the complexities added by technology make the current generation the most difficult to parent ever. It is little wonder that for all the joys that parenthood brings, most people find it difficult and frustrating and worry that they are not doing it right.

Parenting Pre-Schoolers

Parenting Primary Schoolers

Parenting Teens

The chances of your child fulfilling their potential and living a life that will bring them satisfaction and pride have been established, in considerable part, by the end of their 3rd year of primary school.

Raising a child to maximise the chances of them living their best life is not rocket science, but neither is it ingrained in us. There are many aspects to getting it right and a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

Bringing up kids in the 21st Century is a complex and demanding task.

Their needs from their parents are very high. While little ones have very high care needs, most people who have been through it all say that the teenage years are the most difficult to parent.

Our Services

Parenting for Dads

There is a large and ever-increasing body of research that has found the huge impact that fathers play in shaping the people that their children grow up to be. Getting it right however, is not easy.

Parenting When Separated

First things first; it has been long-known and well-publicised that coming from a broken home can have a significantly negative effect on any children involved. There are some key action that you can take however, to help everybody get through these difficult times.

For Grandparents & Carers

Nowadays, with both parents regularly working and the proliferation of single parent families, the role of carer for young children has again been shared among a wider group, none more important than the children’s grandparents.

Invest in the long-term future for your child by improving the relationship you have with them right now.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.


0411 430 733