Parenting when separated

First things first; it has been long-known and well-publicised that coming from a broken home can have a significantly negative effect on any children involved.

What needs to be much better promoted is the equally compelling research that suggests that living in a broken home tends to be considerably more damaging for everybody living under that roof. Living in two relatively happy homes offers the opportunity to raise happy, well-adjusted children.

Living in one unhappy home never does. 

In these sessions we will first endeavour to give you a sound grasp of the difficulties and frustrations that a family break-up can have on your kids. Then we will look to give you the skills to overcome those trials and be able to make the most of the opportunities that this new living situation provides. We will look at the issues involved in being a single parent and the importance of, and how to go about creating, a common view for how you and your ex-partner can work together in the best interests of your children.