Parenting Pre-Schoolers - The Formative Years

The chances of your child fulfilling their potential and living a life that will bring them satisfaction and pride has been established, in considerable part, by the end of their 3rd year of primary school.

Everything that they have experienced to that point will have developed within themselves a clear picture of what they are good at and what they are not, how well they focus and how hard they try. Their learnings inside, and particularly outside, the classroom up till 7 years of age are extremely important. What they eat, how they use technology, how they interact with others and how they sleep all have a part to play.

There is nothing however, that approaches the influence of the relationship that they have with their parents. Fortunately, there are some absolute basics that you can do to set them up to be the best that they can be.

In these sessions I explain and demonstrate what science and research have shown to be the critical things that you can do, from conception through their early years in primary school, to make a difference.