Fantastic Families Blog

Helping Parents Help Their Kids

John Wood John Wood

Surviving Year 12 for Parents

So, it’s coming up to crunch time. Year 12 exams.

To your teenage student this is it; the culmination of 13 years of education. One set of tests to set up the rest of their life. It is demanding and can be overwhelming. There is plenty of advice online to help your child. Here is some that might help.

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John Wood John Wood

Minimising my child’s mental health issues

How do I minimise the chances of my children suffering mental health issues? Clearly no parent would want to see their child suffer through those afflictions. The good news is you can help

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John Wood John Wood

The fine art of raising a teenager

NEWSFLASH: Regular conflict does not assist in creating great relationships.

Sorry, that’s not really news. Most people consider that a fact of life. Just as it is a fact of life that there will be conflict between a teenager and their parents. And you can expect that there will be. For most families there has to be.

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