What happens in a parent education session?

While parent education is a concept that has been around for a while, many people are unsure or unnerved about what this means, so here I thought I would break it down for you.

In one-on-one parent education sessions, the first thing  I do is find out why you’re here. Reasons may range from, “Everything is going along fabulously, and I just want to find out everything I can to keep it that way” to “Help me! My child and I cannot bear to be in the same vicinity” …and everything in-between.

Due to the challenges and complexities of parenting most people find themselves living toward the Help Me! end of that reasoning… so if that’s you, you are among friends. Almost everybody will be having similar difficulties, even if, from a distance, they appear like the perfect family.

Having found out what you want to get from the sessions, I spend a little time finding out exactly how things are for you right now and offer some information as to why they might be that way and what might be done to improve outcomes for everybody. If there are relationship issues within your home, I then like to spend a little time getting to know everybody and learn what needs to happen to get everybody working together for the best possible outcomes.

Working through these basics is generally enough to get most families living relatively harmoniously (there is no perfect family because there are no perfect humans) and looking forward to everything that lies ahead. Some families however like the reassurance of occasional catch-ups to review how things are going and get prepared for the possible challenges ahead.

If you’re keen to know more I offer a FREE of obligation chat to all new clients. You can book a time online here


Co-parenting in separation: Getting the best outcomes for your kids (part 1)
