Fantastic Families Blog

Helping Parents Help Their Kids

John Wood John Wood

8 gratitude prompts to explore with your kids

Gratitude can be expressed in a variety of ways, and a little bit really does go a long way. It not only helps others to feel appreciated, it has benefits for your own overall sense of wellbeing too. Did you know you can lower stress levels, improve sleep and boost your immune system just by being grateful?

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John Wood John Wood

The post ‘problem’ talk

The most important thing to remember when your child has done the wrong thing is that this is a learning opportunity. Yelling at, or otherwise berating, your child is likely to have them feel badly and as a result, behave more badly. Punishments diminish the positive relationship you want to have with your child so, while sometimes necessary, should not be our go to means of dealing with misbehaviour

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John Wood John Wood

If your child is to learn, you have to teach. Here’s how…

By now, just about everybody will have heard the play on words that to ASSUME is to make ‘an ASS out of U and ME’ and be familiar with message that underpins it: That, to assume just creates the opportunity for one or both of us to make mistakes. It highlights the dangers of assumptions. It unfortunately, doesn’t stop us making them

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John Wood John Wood

Miracle Cure! How to fix your difficult child overnight.

As someone who works on parent-child relationships, the most common question I get asked by parents is along the lines of, “Can you please fix my child, they are …………………… (difficult, horrible, problematic, disrespectful, nasty, defiant, uncooperative etc). The fix is actually far easier than you might think.

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John Wood John Wood

Surviving Year 12 for Parents

So, it’s coming up to crunch time. Year 12 exams.

To your teenage student this is it; the culmination of 13 years of education. One set of tests to set up the rest of their life. It is demanding and can be overwhelming. There is plenty of advice online to help your child. Here is some that might help.

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John Wood John Wood

Making a difference…

I recently spent some time working with an awesome mum in Port Macquarie, focusing on helping her with raising a balanced, healthy and happy son who is dealing with the challenges of moving between her home, and that of his Dad’s. Here’s what she had to say…

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John Wood John Wood

Co-parenting in separation: Getting the best outcomes for your kids (part 3)

Previously in this blog series we have discussed structures for co-parenting households to set up in order to gain the best results for their children. In this blog we make a start at looking at dealing with a difficult co-parent and some more thoughts about keeping your child’s welfare front of mind at times when we could get totally absorbed in our own issues

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John Wood John Wood


Question: What is the difference between a parent and a psychologist? The primary difference is how much a psychologist gets paid.

In essence they both deal daily with the human psyche. They try to work out how to reach the person that they are working with and help them navigate the difficulties that they encounter and, in the end, be the best people they can be.

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John Wood John Wood

Maximising my child’s academic performance: the early school years

Many people believe that learning the alphabet and basic counting before they get to school is critical for long-term academic success Truth is its not an essential requirement of starting primary school, they will go through it all once they get there. What is critical however it that they enjoy school and having a little headstart may help to lessen the risk of them struggling early on.

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