Fantastic Families Blog

Helping Parents Help Their Kids

John Wood John Wood

Punishing your kids behaviour might just make them worse

The most important influence on your young child’s view of themselves is you. As they grow they get an increasingly detailed self-image; who they are what they are good at and what they are not, whether they are a good kid or a problematic one etc.

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John Wood John Wood

Promoting good mental health in your kids

Just on 50% of Australians will experience a diagnoseable mental illness in their lifetime. Not surprisingly these statistics have increased significantly since the start of COVID. The most susceptible age groups are adolescents and young adults. Which means your child may be right in the firing line. Fortunately, there is plenty that you can do to minimise the risks for your child.

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John Wood John Wood

How to avoid bedtime battles

If your kids don’t want to go to bed – its because they like their life too much. There are also sorts of interesting things that are happening or might happen when I am awake, (not the least of which might be just spending some more time with you) and none when I am asleep.

Why would I want to go to bed?

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John Wood John Wood

If your child is to learn, you have to teach. Here’s how…

By now, just about everybody will have heard the play on words that to ASSUME is to make ‘an ASS out of U and ME’ and be familiar with message that underpins it: That, to assume just creates the opportunity for one or both of us to make mistakes. It highlights the dangers of assumptions. It unfortunately, doesn’t stop us making them

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John Wood John Wood

Miracle Cure! How to fix your difficult child overnight.

As someone who works on parent-child relationships, the most common question I get asked by parents is along the lines of, “Can you please fix my child, they are …………………… (difficult, horrible, problematic, disrespectful, nasty, defiant, uncooperative etc). The fix is actually far easier than you might think.

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John Wood John Wood


Question: What is the difference between a parent and a psychologist? The primary difference is how much a psychologist gets paid.

In essence they both deal daily with the human psyche. They try to work out how to reach the person that they are working with and help them navigate the difficulties that they encounter and, in the end, be the best people they can be.

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John Wood John Wood

Maximising my child’s academic performance: the early school years

Many people believe that learning the alphabet and basic counting before they get to school is critical for long-term academic success Truth is its not an essential requirement of starting primary school, they will go through it all once they get there. What is critical however it that they enjoy school and having a little headstart may help to lessen the risk of them struggling early on.

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