Fantastic Families Blog

Helping Parents Help Their Kids

John Wood John Wood

Punishing your kids behaviour might just make them worse

The most important influence on your young child’s view of themselves is you. As they grow they get an increasingly detailed self-image; who they are what they are good at and what they are not, whether they are a good kid or a problematic one etc.

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John Wood John Wood

How to avoid bedtime battles

If your kids don’t want to go to bed – its because they like their life too much. There are also sorts of interesting things that are happening or might happen when I am awake, (not the least of which might be just spending some more time with you) and none when I am asleep.

Why would I want to go to bed?

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John Wood John Wood

Co-parenting in separation: Getting the best outcomes for your kids (part 3)

Previously in this blog series we have discussed structures for co-parenting households to set up in order to gain the best results for their children. In this blog we make a start at looking at dealing with a difficult co-parent and some more thoughts about keeping your child’s welfare front of mind at times when we could get totally absorbed in our own issues

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